CAPE challenges
ESCAPE, Industrial Forum, May 28th 2002

Process control automation of multi step batch organic chemical synthesis

J.N. van Wezel

Diosynth b.v.: producer of active pharmaceutical ingredients

Production facilities consist of solvent tanks, reactors, centrifuges, chromatography columns, filter-driers, mother liquor tanks, tray-driers. Many products are produced requiring over 350 different synthesis steps. A product takes roughly 10 synthesis steps on average ranging from a few to fifty for one product. All kinds of unit processes such as Grignard, reductions, hydrogenation, alkylation, and ethynylation are performed. Reduction of stock leads to small campaigns.

Three levels of process control exist. The level depends on the age of the facility:

  1. Fully manual control: only temperature and pressure indicators
  2. Temperature and pressure control on reactors, temperature control on heat transfer medium. Controllers grouped in PLC’s
  3. Recipe control. Based on S-88, international standardisation of batch control. Consists of nearly 60 building blocks, unit operation (operation, phase) determining the sequential activity of one unit (e.g. reactor) until a requirement is full filled. Cleaning e.g. is a unit-operation.
    The facility is divided in seven unit types. Each unit has a number of basic functions (heating, cooling, agitation, condensation) which are governed by the unit-operations. Basic functions continuously control the process conditions.
    Although much is automated the operator still has to perform some tasks such as making connections for solvents or with other units, sampling/ in process analysis, charging solids to reactors, determine continuation of automatic control on visual effects (colour change e.g.)
    Since units can be coupled in a random way the routing manager is an important feature. All routes made are checked on correctness and connections are continuously monitored. Breaking an active connection puts the batch program on hold.
    Process graphics are shown in a central control room. Operators in the field have local terminals with limited information and limited possibility for process interference.

For all three levels of control the operator uses a paper standard batch record (different in each case of course), which dictates his activities and keeps track of it.

The initial alarm inflation and most other teething problems of the recipe control have been overcome. The system has however a number of draw backs:

The expected advantages:

The challenge: Develop a hybrid batch recipe control system with reduced complexity but maintaining most of the advantages

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