SAFEKINEX SAFe and Efficient hydrocarbon oxidation processes by KINetics and Explosion eXpertise
EU 5th Framework Programme on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development
Brief Project Description
Problems to be solved
Objectives and approach
Work Packages
Project data; Partners
Public deliverables
Member area

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EU project Safekinex

What are the limits of safe operation of hydrocarbon processing?

Paris, Gaz de France, site St. Dénis
28 and 29 November 2006

Workshop brochure
Workshop presentations
  Welcome to SAFEKINEX

WHAT CAN BE DONE to improve safety and yield of hydrocarbon oxidation processes?

SAFEKINEX is supported by the European Union under the Fifth Research Framework Programme (FP5) and contributing to the Generic Activity "Fight against major natural and technological hazards" within the "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" Programme (Contract Number EVG1-CT-2001-00098).

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design by Bart Boshuizen