IDS&DRP 2004


TU Delft | DCT | PME 

Scientific Program - final version


Monday |Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | List of poster contributions


Downloadable versions: pdf, doc


Monday August 23



Opening session:

Glass transition I: Dynamics of polymers and simple liquids

09:00 – 09:05


09:05 – 09:15 

Opening (K.C.A.M.Luyben, Dean of Faculty Applied Sciences)

09:15 – 09:25

Conference preview (Chairman)

09:25 – 10:00

Opening Lecture: Molecular dynamics in thin grafted and spin-coated polymer layers

Kremer, F. (Leipzig, Germany)

10:00 – 10:30

Glassy dynamics: Some advances by dielectric and NMR spectroscopy (IL)

Böhmer, R. (Dortmund, Germany)

10:30 – 11:00


11:00 – 11:30

What governs the dynamics of vitrifying liquids? (IL)

Roland, C.M. (Washington, USA)

11:30 – 11:50

Effect of pressure on the dynamics of miscible polymer blends/copolymers

Floudas, G. (Ioannina, Greece)

11:50 – 12:10

A dielectric test of the validity of the Adam-Gibbs equation out of equilibrium: polymers vs. small molecules

Alegria, A. (San Sebastián, Spain)

12:10 – 12:30

Structural recovery of polystyrene as seen by relaxational and low-frequency vibrational spectroscopy

Wypych, A. (Lodz, Poland)

12:30 – 14:00

lunch buffet in the Botanical garden



Glass transition II: Dynamics of blends and (binary) mixtures

14:00 – 14:30

Dynamics of blends and mixtures (IL)

Ngai, K. L. (Washington, USA)

14:30 – 15:00

Slow and fast dynamics in glycerol-water mixtures (IL)

Feldman, Y. (Jerusalem, Israel)

15:00 – 15:20

Percolation phenomena in DMSO-water binary mixtures

Hernandez Perni, G. (Basel, Switzerland)

15:20 – 15:40

Molecular dynamics of unfreezable solvents and polymers restricted in frozen state

Yagihara, S. (Hiratsuka, Japan)

15:40 – 16:00




Johari-Goldstein b-relaxation

16:00 – 16:30

Identifying the genuine Johari-Goldstein b-relaxation by cooling, compressing, and aging of some typical glass-formers (IL)

Capaccioli, S. (Pisa, Italy)

16:30 – 16:50

Minimal model for beta relaxation in viscous liquids

Dyre, J. (Roskilde, Denmark)

16:50 – 17:10

The pressure dependence of the Johari-Goldstein relaxation and the excess wing in supercooled liquids

Casalini, R. (Washington, USA)

17:10 – 17:40

Broadband dielectric spectroscopy in neat and binary molecular glass formers - frequency and time domain spectroscopy, non-resonant hole burning (IL)

Blochowicz, T. (Bayreuth, Germany)

17:40 – 19:00

Poster session (see list of posters)

18:00 – 19:00

Meeting of IDS board and Scientific committee




Tuesday August 24



Dynamics of nano-confined systems

09:00 – 09:30

Inelastic neutron scattering for probing the dynamics of glass forming systems in confinement - recent results on organic liquids and polymers (IL)

Frick, B. (Grenoble, France)

09:30 – 10:00

Polymers in nano-confinements - What can we learn from relaxation and scattering experiments (IL)

Schönhals, A. (Berlin, Germany)

10:00 – 10:30

Dielectric relaxations in ultra-thin polymer films and H-bonding liquid layers

Wübbenhorst, M. (Delft, The Netherlands)

10:30 – 11:00


11:00 – 11:20

Aging phenomena in thin polymer films

Fukao, K. (Kyoto, Japan)

11:20 – 11:40

Adsorption-induced pattern formation in thin polymer films

Serghei, A. (Leipzig, Germany)

11:40 – 12:00

Dielectric relaxation in thin liquid crystal layers (with different boundary conditions) formed on cylindrical pore walls

Aliev, F.M. (San Juan, USA)

12:00 – 12:20

The study of nano and meso dielectrics

Stevens, G. (Guildford, UK)

12:30 – 14:00

lunch buffet in the Botanical garden



Molecular motions in disordered systems

14:00 – 14:40

Daniel Kivelson: His contributions to the dynamics of liquids (IL)

Williams, G. (Swansea, UK)

14:40 – 15:10

Dynamics in disordered systems: From molecules to materials (IL)

Richert, R. (Tempe, USA)

15:10 – 15:30

Microwave dielectric behavior of glass-forming materials below Tg

Nozaki, R. (Sapporo, Japan)

15:30 – 16:00




Functional polymers and devices

16:00 – 16:30

Nonlinear dielectric investigation for nanofilms of ferroelectric polymers (IL)

Furukawa, T. (Tokyo, Japan)

16:30 – 16:50

Ferroelectrets: Polymer foams with "man-made" highly deformable dipoles

Gerhard-Multhaupt, R. (Potsdam, Germany)

16:50 – 17:10

Nonlinear dielectric response of dipole glasses and cellular polymer ferroelectrets

Bauer, S. (Linz, Austria)

17:10 – 17:30

Use of dielectric spectroscopy in non-invasive continuous glucose monitoring

Caduff, A. (Switzerland)



18:00 – 24:00

Excursion to Port of Rotterdam with conference diner




Wednesday August 25



Real-time dielectric spectroscopy; monitoring of structure evolution

09:00 – 09:30

Probing ordering processes in soft condensed matter by means of  time resolved broad band dielectric spectroscopy (IL)

Ezquerra, T.A. (Madrid, Spain)

09:30 – 10:00

Evolution of the glass transition dynamics in the dielectric behaviour of a liquid during polymerization (IL)

Johari, G. (Hamilton, Canada)

10:00 – 10:20

Generic representation of cure monitoring data using the time-temperature-transformation diagram:  equivalence between dielectric and ultrasonic properties

Unwin, M.E. (Nottingham, UK)

10:20 – 10:40

Evidence of pre-crystalline-order in super-cooled polymer melts revealed from dielectric spectroscopy

Wurm, A. (Rostock, Germany)

10:40 – 11:00



Liquid crystals and ferroelectric materials

11:00 – 11:30

Dielectric response in ferroelectrics (IL)

Pawlaczyk, C. (Poznan, Poland)

11:30 – 11:50

Molecular and collective dynamics in different liquid crystalline phases

Kresse, H. (Halle, Germany)

Non-intrinsic origin of the colossal dielectric constants in CaCu3Ti4O12

Fichtl, R. (Augsburg, Germany)

11:50 – 12:10

Solid state polymorphism in some glass formers

Massalska-Arodz, M. (Krakow, Poland)

Broadband dielectric study of nematic, smectic, and cholesteric glass forming liquid crystal dispersed with aerosil particles

Sinha, G. (Leuven, Belgium)

12:10 – 12:30

Unusual glass like systems - Relaxation dynamics of dopants in ferroelectric crystals

Ben Ishai, P. (Jerusalem, Israel)

Laser induced dielectric spectroscopy of a hybrid liquid crystal composite made up of methyl red and fullerene C60

San, S.E. (Gebze, Turkey)

12:30 – 14:00

lunch buffet in the Botanical garden


Conduction phenomena and spectroscopy

14:00 – 14:30

Cooperative ion dynamics in ionic conductors (IL)

Leon, C. (Madrid, Spain)

14:30 – 15:00

New experimental techniques for conductivity spectroscopy: Nanoscale and nonlinear spectroscopy (IL)

Roling, B. (Münster, Germany)

15:00 – 15:20

Segmental dynamics and ionic conduction in polymer-ion complexes

Runt, J. (University Park, USA)


15:20 – 15:40

Low frequency dielectric losses related to dynamics of intrinsic conductivity of dielectrics

Malecki, J. (Poznan, Poland)

Ion mobility time of flight measurements: isolating the mobility of charger carriers during epoxy-amine reaction

Kranbuehl, D.E. (Williamsburg, USA)

15:40 – 16:10




Molecular dynamics in aqueous systems and polymers 

16:10 – 16:30

Hydrophobic hydration, structure of water and dielectric spectra in all orientation frequency range

Lyashchenko, A. (Moscow, Russia)

Electrical conductivity and dielectric properties of single wall nano tube-polymer composites

McLachlan D.S. (Johannesburg, South Africa)

16:30 – 16:50

Dynamics of sugar solutions as studied by dielectric spectroscopy

Swenson, J. (Göteborg, Sweden)

Broadband dielectric spectroscopy as a complementary analytical technique for polymeric solids

Pratt, G.J. (Melbourne, Australia)

16:50 – 17:10

Dielectric and hydration properties of epoxy resin + polyethylene oxide blends

Vassilikou-Dova, A. (Athens, Greece)

Dielectric relaxation of aqueous glucose solution in supercooled and glass state

Grigera, J.R. (La Plata, Argentina)

17:10 – 17:30

Dielectric relaxation properties of Na-mordenite zeolite, as a function of water pressure

Devautour-Vinot, S. (Montpellier, France)

Relaxation phenomena in uniaxially drawn poly(ethylene naphthalene 2,6 dicarboxylate) (PEN) dielectric films

Stevenson, I. (Lyon, France)

17:30 – 18:00


18:00 – 19:00

Measurement forum (preliminary program)


Spectral Characteristics of Gaseous Media and Their Effects on Propagation of Ultra-Wideband Radiation in the Millimeter Wavelengths

Pinhasi, Y. (Ariel, Israel)


Presentation of NOVOCONTROL GmbH

Schaumburg, G. (Hundsangen, Germany) 


20:30 – 22:00

Chamber concert (Cultural centre of the TU Delft, Mekelweg 10)




Thursday August 26



Theory and simulation of dielectric response

09:00 – 09:30

Is there a physical meaning of recaps and reinds with complex exponents? (IL)

Nigmatulin, R. (Kazan, Russia)

09:30 – 09:50

Fluctuation-dissipation relations and master equations

Diezemann, G. (Mainz, Germany)

09:50 – 10:10

The effect of cluster dynamics on the a-relaxation in supercooled liquids

Halpern, V. (Ramat-Gan, Israel)

10:10 – 10:30

A critical examination of the Ising model analysis of dielectric relaxation for the linear chain molecules

Eker, S. (Adana, Turkey)

10:30 – 11:00


11:00 – 11:30

Molecular dynamics simulation of amorphous polymers in isotropic state and under uniaxial deformation (IL)

Lyulin, A. (Eindhoven, The Netherlands)

11:30 – 11:50

Digital signal processing for relaxation data conversion

Shtrauss, V. (Riga, Latvia)

11:50 – 12:10

The Kramers-Kronig relations: Fast methods for their evaluation

Van Turnhout, J. (Delft, The Netherlands)

12:10 – 12:30

Structural features of aqueous solutions of organic substances in water-rich region according to adiabatic compressibility, dielectric relaxation and computer simulation data

Grineva, O.V. (Moscow, Russia)

12:30 – 14:00

lunch buffet in the Botanical garden



Dielectric relaxations in complex systems and  biological materials

14:00 – 14:20

Mobility and dielectric relaxations in complex systems by broadband dielectric spectroscopy and thermally stimulated currents

Dantras, E. (Toulouse, France)

14:20 – 14:40

Label-free detection of proteins using dielectric spectroscopy

Stapert, H. (Eindhoven, The Netherlands)

14:40 – 15:00

Boundary-element calculations of dielectric relaxation for biological cells of awkward shape in suspension

Sekine, K. (Kanazawa, Japan)

15:00 – 15:20

Closing remarks

15:20 – 16:00




BDS 2004 – List of poster contribution

(sorted by topic)



1. Glass transition I: Dynamics of polymers and simple liquids


P1        Dynamical heterogeneity of the PDMS segmental dynamics induced by a mesophase lamellar structure in PDMS/PS block copolymers

Alegria Angel (San Sebastian,Spain), Lorthioir Cedric, Deloche Bertrand, Colmenero Juan


P2        Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy, dielectric relaxation and the defect diffusion model for a series of propylene glycols

Bartos Josef ( Bratislava, Slovak Republic), Sausa O., Fontanella J.J., Kristiak J., Bendler J. T., Shlesinger M.F.


P3        Positron annihilation lifetime response and relaxation dynamics by the broadband dielectric spectroscopy in glycerol

Bartos Josef ( Bratislava, Slovak Republic), Sausa O.,  Racko D., Kristiak J., Fontanella J.J.


P4        Dielectric relaxation in Sorbitol revisited

Bergman Rikard (Goteborg, Sweden), Svanberg Christer


P5        Diffusion Mechanism for Physical Aging of Polycarbonate far below the Glass Transition Temperature Studied by Means of Dielectric Spectroscopy

Cangialosi D. (San Sebastian, Spain), Wübbenhorst  M. , Groenewold J., Mendes E., Schut H., Van Veen A., Picken S.J.


P6        Solvent effects on the glass transition temperature of solution cast atactic PMMA films

Lupascu Veronica (Delft, The Netherlands),  van den Berg Otto, Cangialosi Daniele,

Wübbenhorst Michael


P7        Effect of temperature and volume on structural relaxation time: an interpretation in term of decrease of configurational entropy

Prevosto Daniele (Pisa, Italy),Capaccioli Simone, Lucchesi Mauro, Rolla Pierrangelo


P8        Correlation between temperature-pressure dependence of the a-relaxation and configurational entropy for different glass-forming polymers

Schwartz Gustavo Ariel (San Sebastian, Spain), Tellechea Edurne, Colmenero Juan, Alegria Angel


P9        Multiple glass transition in the plastic crystal phase of triphenylene derivatives

Yildirim Z. (Delft, The Netherlands), Kotlewski A., Wübbenhorst M., Picken S.J., Paraschiv I., Sudhölter E.J.R.



2. Glass transition II: Dynamics of blends and (binary) mixtures


P10      Mesoscopic dynamics and cage properties in glycerol-water mixtures

Hayashi Yoshihito (Jerusalem, Israel), Igal Balin, Yaroslaf E. Ryabov, Alexander Puzenko, Yuri Feldman, Udo Kaatze, Ralph Behrends


P11      Molecular dynamic of linear and hyperbranched polyurethane blends

Okrasa Lidia (Lodz, Poland), Zigon Majda, Zagar Ema, Czec Przemyslaw, Boiteux Gisele


P12      Dielectric properties of glassy mixtures of polar and non-polar liquids

Berberian John G. (Philadelphia, USA), Tropiano Michael A., Leach Joseph B.



3. Johari-Goldstein b-relaxation


P13      Suppression of dielectric secondary relaxations by strong intermolecular hydrogen bonding

Runt James (Pennsylvania USA), Zhang Shihai, Painter Paul C.


P14      Effect of cold-drawing on the secondary dielectric relaxation of bisphenol-A Polycarbonate and Related Polymers.

Mitxelena Olatz (San Sebastian, Spain), Colmenero Juan, Alegria Angel


P15      Can dielectric spectroscopy tell us anything about the frequency dependent shear modulus ?

Niss Kristine (Paris France), Jakobsen Bo, Niels Boye Olsen



4. Dynamics of nano-confined systems


P16      Dielectric relaxation in liquid crystal confined in quasi-one-dimensional system

Aliev Fouad, (San Juan, USA) Bengochea Manuel Rivera, Gao C.Y., Cochran H. D.


P17      Relaxation properties of supercooled water confined in bread

Cerveny Silvina, Swenson Jan, Bergman Rikard (Goteborg, Sweden)


P18      Characteristic size of molecular dynamics in polymers probed by dielectric probes of variable length
van den Berg O. (Delft, The Netherlands), Wübbenhorst M., Jager W.F.


P19      Liquid like surface mobility in supported ultra-thin films. New evidence for a layer model from dielectric spectroscopy

Lupascu Veronica (Delft, The Netherlands), Koper Ger J.M., Wübbenhorst Michael


P20      Ferroelectric phase transition in TGS embedded in porous glasses

Rysiakiewicz-Pasek Ewa ( Wroclaw, Poland), Ryszard Poprawsky, Jolanta Polanska, Beata Radojewsk


P21      Dynamics of surface layer in cyanobiphenyl-aerosil nanocomposites with a high silica density

Frunza Stefan, Frunza Ligia, Tantaru Mihaela, Beica Traian, Schönhals Andreas (Berlin, Germany)


P22      Molecular mobility and gas transport properties of poly(bisphenol A carbonate) (PC) based nanocomposites

Ning Hao, Martin Bohning, Harald Goering, Reinhard Mach, Schönhals Andreas (Berlin, Germany)


P23      In-situ study of the glass transition dynamics of ultra-thin H-bonding liquid layers during molecular beam deposition by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy

Michael Wübbenhorst (Delft, The Netherlands), Gaëtan Couderc, Norwid-Rasmus Behrnd, Jürg Hulliger



5. Polymer dynamics and molecular motions in disordered systems


P24      Dielectric relaxation of dendronized polystyrene in solutions

Svetlana Kovshik (St. Pertersburg, Russia), Mariya Mikhailova, Galina Polushina, Evgeni Rjumtsev, Alexander Kovshik, Andrey Lezov


P25      Dielectric studies of molecular dynamics in thermoplastic interpenetrating polymer networks

Kanapitsas A. (Lamia, Greece), Polizos G., Pissis P., Lebedev E., Slisenko O., Grigoryeva O. P.


P26      Molecular dynamics in poly(ethene-alt-N-alkylmaleimide) copolymers as studied by Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy

Tsuwi Julius (Leipzig, Germany), Appelhans Dietmar, Zschoche Stefan, Friedel Peter, Kremer Friedrich


P27      Dipole relaxation kinetic parameters in saturated hydrocarbons

Asheko Anatolii (Kharkov, Ukraine)


P28      Dielectric properties of poly-diethyl itaconate from isothermal measurements

Dominguez-Espinosa G., Diaz-Calleja R. (Valencia, Spain), Sanchis M. J., Sanchez-Martinez E.


P29      Dielectric characterization of a series wholly aromatic poly(ether imide)s

Dingemans Theo (Delft, The Netherlands), Mayingi Josselin, van der Zwaag Sybrand, Wübbenhorst Michael


P30      Dielectric properties of butadiene oligomers

El-Fakhri Salem (Brno, Czech Republic), Liedermann Karel


P31      Low-frequency Dielectric Response Study of a thin Silicone Rubber

Hamzah Ngah Ramzi (Selangor, Malaysia), Muhamad Muhamad Rasat


P32      Relaxation effects in Dielectric spectra of oligomer materials

Kamenjk Roman (Brno, Czech Republic), Frk Martin


P33      Investigations of poly(sodium acrylate) polymer networks by dielectric spectroscopy method

Malyshkina Inna (Moscow, Russia), Polycarpos Pissis, George Polizos


P34      Effect of molecular architecture on dynamics of multigraft copolymers: combs, centipedes and barbwires

Mijović Jovan (New York, USA), Sun Mingyun, Pejanović Srdjan, Mays Jimmy W.


P35      Molecular relaxations in new polyurethane systems with linear and crosslinked structure

Czech Przemyslaw (Lodz, Poland), Boiteux Gisele, Mechin Francoise, Okrasa Lidia, Ulanski Jacek



6. Functional materials and devices


P36      Photoprocesses in the bulk CdTe crystals

Virt I. S., Popovich V.D. ( Drogobych, Ukraine), Tsiutsiura I. D., Bester M., Blahut A., Kuzma M.


P37      Dielectric relaxation in a hybrid Ag/DiMe-PTCDI/GaAs device

Thurzo Ilja (Chemnitz,Germany), Mendez Henry, Zahn Dietrich R. T.


P38      Novel nano-materials based on metal clusters embedded in polymer films and porous glasses: dielectric study and sensor properties

Trakhtenberg Leonid (Moscow, Russia), Gerasimov Genrikh, Axelrod Ekaterina , Feldman Yuri


P39      Dielectric spectroscopy of a hybrid composite, constituted by doping a side-chain liquid crystalline polymer, under laser induced conditions

San Eren S. (Kocaeli, Turkey ), Okutan Mustafa , Köysal Oğuz, Ono Hiroshi


P40      Ferroelectrets: Adjustment of dipole size by means of controlled void inflation and its influence on dielectric resonances and electromechanical properties

Voronina Olena (Potsdam, Germany), Wegener Michael, Tuncer Enis, Wirges Werner, Gerhard-Multhaupt Reimund


P41      Assessment of the stabilization of the NLO performance of polymers by physical aging

Klaase P.T.A. (Delft, The Netherlands), van Turnhout J.


P42      Dielectric properties of bulk materials and restrictions to the application of two-parameter microwave aquametry

Renhart I. (Minsk, Belarus), Tsentsiper B


P43      Correlation among the electrode shape and the size of an EHD pump and its pumping force

Sato Masaki (Hachinohe, Japan), Nakano Shigeru


P44      Electro-optic, dielectric and relaxation properties of hyper-branched macromolecules with linear main chains in dilute solutions

Tsvetkov Nikolai (St Petersburg, Russia),Ivanova vera, Kudriavtseva Tatiana, Girbasova Nina, Bilibin Alexander



7. Real-time dielectric spectroscopy; monitoring of structure evolution


P45      Re-crystallization effects in thermally stimulated depolarization currents measurements of XLPE in the melting temperature range

Diego J. A., Belana J. (Terrassa, Spain) ,Canadas J.C., Mudarra M., Sellares J., Orrit J.


P46      A comparative study of cold crystallization and amorphous PHB with Cole-Cole plots analysis

Sentürk E. (Sakarya, Turkey)


P47      Dielectric study during crystallization of polymers

Soliman Ragab (Rostock, Germany), Wurm Andreas, Schick Christoph



8. Liquid crystals and ferroelectric materials


P48      Broadband dielectric resonance spectroscopy on ferroelectric and cellular ferroelectric polymers

Salhofer Harald, Dansachmuller Mario, Bauer-Gogonea Simona, Bauer Siegfried (Linz, Austria)


P49      Domain wall dispersion in ferroelectric phase of SrTi18O3

Levstik Adrijan, Filipic Cene (Ljubljana,Slovenia), Kutnjak Zdravko, Itoh Mitsuru


P50      Dielectric relaxation in polyamide 11: Comparison between ferroelctric and non-ferroelectric films

Fruebing Peter (Potsdam, Germany), Blischke Dorte, Ast Sandra, Gerhard-Multhaupt Reimund, Anna Spanoudaki, Polycarpos Pissis, Harald Goering


P51      Dielectric spectra of elastomeric materials filled with ferroelectric ceramic powder

Obsyannikov A.G., Lebedev S.M. (Tomsk, Russia)


P52      Dielectric response peculiarities of complex ferroelectrics with chemical disorder: (Na1/2Bi1/2)TiO3, (K1/2Na1/2)NbO3, (1-x)BiScO3-(x)PbTiO3

Porokhonskyy Viktor ( Ljubjana, Slovenia), Savinov Maxim, Veljko Sergej, Kamba Stanislav, Petzelt Jan, Malic Barbara


P53      Influence of dispersed aerosil particles on the collective dynamic modes  in a ferroelectric liquid crystal with polarization sign reversal

Rózanski Stanislaw (Leuven, Belgium), Thoen Jan


P54      Type II model for uniaxial ferroelectrics single crystal TIS

Sentürk E. (Sakarya, Turkey)


P55      Liquid crystalline di- and triblock copolymers: interplay between domain mesostructure and dynamic behaviour

Zhukov Sergej (Darmstadt, Germany), Geppert Steffen, Stuhn Bernd, Gronski Wolfram


P56      Low temperature dielectric losses in PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3

Koroleva E.Yu. (St Petersburg, Russia), Okuneva N. M., Vakhrushev S. B.


P57      Dielectric relaxation of terbium containing metallomesogen

Rjumtsev Evgeni, Kovshik Alexander, Kovshik Svetlana (St Petersburg, Russia), Andrei Knazev, Yury Galyametdinov


P58      Two relaxation mechanisms in (Sr1-1.5xBix)TiO3(x:0.0067)

Sentürk E. (Sakarya, Turkey)


P59      Thermal history and dielectric behaviour in the incommensurate phase of TIGaSe2

Tümbek L. (Koecaeli, Turkey), Senturk E., Basaran E., Mikailov F.A., Mammadov T. G.


P60      DFT, electric and dielectric properties of (Pb1-xLax )(ZryTi1-y)1-x/4O3

Tümbek L. (Koecaeli, Turkey), Senturk E.


P61      Time relaxation of the dielectric susceptibility of TlGaSe2 in the commensurate phase

Mikailov F.A., Basaran E., Senturk E., Tümbek L. (Koecaeli, Turkey), Mammadov T. G.



9. Conduction phenomena, semiconductors


P62      The influence of the nature of the matrix on the dielectric and electric properties of conductive polymer composites based on polyaniline

Fatyeyeva Kateryna (Maine, France), Tabellout Mohamed, Pud Alexander


P63      The influence of the PANI content on the electrical behavior of polymer composites

Fatyeyeva Kateryna (Maine, France), Tabellout Mohamed, Baillif Pierre-Yves, Pud Alexander


P64      Current conductivity and protonic conductivity relaxations in 12-tungstophosphoric acid

Polizos G. (Athens,Greece), Pissis P., Cajkovski T., Davidovic M., Mioc Ub


P65      Low-frequency dielectric characterisation of PbO

Avanesyan Vachagan (St Petersburg, Russia), Bordovskii Gennadii


P66      Dielectric relaxation and structural properties of Pb3O4

Avanesyan Vachagan (St Petersburg, Russia), Bordovskii Vladimir


P67      Broad Band Dielectric Spectroscopy of nano-porous oxidized Si

Axelrod Ekaterina (Jerusalem, Israel), Urnach Benayahu, Gutina Anna, Sa'ar Amir, Feldman Yuri


P68      Study of space charge relaxation in poly(ethylene terephthalate) at high temperatures by dielectric spectroscopy at the electrical modulus level

Mudarra M. Orrit J., Belana J. (Terrassa, Spain), Canadas J.C., Diego J. A,Sellares J.


P69      An assessment of ageing of oxide varistors using dielectric spectroscopy

Jaroszewski Maciej (Wroclaw,Poland), Pospieszna Janina


P70      Double layer polarization in electric fields: theory and experiment

Koper Ger J.M. (Delft, The Netherlands), Chassagne Claire, Bedeaux Dick


P71      Low frequency dielectric properties of epoxy resin

Blahut A., Wal A., Labuz M. (Rzeszow, Poland), Kuzma M.


P72      Relationship between the dielectric relaxation spectra and the dielectric strength of PET

Gefle O.S., Lebedev S.M. (Tomsk, Russia), Pokholkov Y.P., Gockenbach E., Ritschel C.-D., Hoppe L.


P73      Numerical investigations of the random barrier model

Schrøder T.B. (Roskilde, Denmark), Dyre J.C.


P74      Wide frequency range dielectric response of colloidal suspensions

Galera-Cortes Elisa, Roldan-Toro Rafael, Solier J.D. (Badajoz, Spain)


P75      A study of thermally stimulated dielectric relaxation currents in Al/Lu2O3/Al thin film sandwiches

Wiktorczyk Tadeusz (Wroclaw, Poland)


P76      Dielectric properties-micromorphology relationship and percolation in metal-filled polymer composites

Zois H. (Athens, Greece), Mamunya Ye.P., Apekins L.



10. Molecular dynamics in aqueous systems


P77      The investigation of water molecules translation mobility in acrylate resins during hydration

Alekseeva S.I. (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)


P78      Dielectric properties of water in cation-replaced clays

Gusev Yurii (Tatarstan, Russia), Saraev Denis, Lounev Ivan, Yusupova Tatyana, Romanov Genadii


P79      Cascade of water network percolation transitions in hydrated yeast

Sokolowska Dagmara, Krol-Otwinowska Agnieszka (Krakow, Poland), Moscicki Jozef K.


P80      Dielectric spectroscopy by differential measurements in transmission klines on sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles in water

Lanzi Leandro (Florence, Italy), Carla Marcello, Gambi Cecilia M. C., Lanzi Leonardo


P81      Dielectric properties of aqueous solutions of ammonium salts

Lileev Alexander (Moscow, Russia), Lyashchenko Andrey


P82      Water network percolation transitions in model systems: Degussa AEROSIL fumed silica

Sokolowska Dagmara (Krakow, Poland), Moscicki Josef K.


P83      Dielectric spectroscopy and micellization of aqueous solutions of p-isononylphenoloxyethyleneglycolether

Usacheva T.M. (Moscow, Russia), Lifanova N.V., Zhuravlev V.I., Matveev V.K.


P84      The high frequency dielectric properties of the potassium and tetrabutylammonium caboxylates

Loginova Darya V. (Moscow, Russia), Lileev Alexander S., Lyashchenko Andrey K., Aladko Ludmila S.



11. Dielectric methods, theory and simulation


P85      Theoretical electromagnetic model for a scanning evanescent microwave probe

Baker-Jarvis James (USA), Kabos Pavel, Janezic Michael D.


P86      Novel dielectric diffusion depth profiling technique for detecting degradation in epoxy coatings

Giacomelli Penon M. (Delft, The Netherlands), Picken S., van Turnhout J.


P87      Temperature Modulated Dielectric Analysis (TMDA): A new experimental technique for the separation of temperature and reaction effects in dielectric cure monitoring signals

Kazilas Mc (Cranfield, UK), Partridge I.K.


P88      Molecular dynamics simulation of tunnel ion motions in the hollandite Nax(Ti8-xCrx)O16 under high electric fields

Khoo Kien (Leicester, UK), Dissado Leonard, Fothergill John, Youngs Ian


P89      Distribution of relaxation times in polyvinylidene fluoride

Tuncer Enis (Potsdam, Germany), Wegener Michael, Gerhard-Multhaupt Reimund


P90      Control of wave propagation in a dielectric medium by tailoring its dispersive properties

Yahalom Asher (Israel), Pinhasi Yosef


P91      Structure of some liquid substances: an analysis of dielectric data and computer modelling

Zhuravlev V.I. (Moscow, Russia), Grineva O.V., Lifanova N.V., Usacheva T.M.



12. Dielectric relaxations in complex systems and biological materials


P92      Dielectric behavior of a microemulsion system containing water, toluene and Triton X-100: Temperature dependent phase inversion

Asami Koji (Kyoto, Japan)


P93      Dynamics of hydrated purple membranes - complementary results from dielectric spectroscopy and quasielastic neutron scattering

Buchsteiner A. (Berlin, Germania), Lechner R. E., Haub Th., Dencher N. A.


P94      Dielectric properties of cord blood serum under influence of freezing and gamma-irradiation

Gorobchenko Olga (Kharkov, Ukraine), Nikolov Oleg, Gatash Sergey, Nardid Oleg, Lipina Olga


P95      Dielectric spectroscopy method in study of mechanisms of oil dispersion structure formation

Gusev Yurii (Tatarstan, Russia), Lounev Ivan, Saraev Denis, Osokin Sergey


P96      Using dielectric spectroscopy to detect thermal hysteresis in frog muscle

Hart Francis (Sewanee, USA), Davila-Moriel Eric, Berner Nancy, McMillen Rachel


P97      The comparison of the temperature dependence of electrical conductivity /TDEC/ and the DSC thermograms in studies on thermal denaturation of bone collagen

Kubisz Leszek (Poznan, Poland)


P98      Dielectric spectroscopy applications in agriculture

Nelson Stuart (Georgia, USA)


P99      Negative losses process in porous sol-gel glasses

Puzenko Alexander (Jerusalem, Israel), Axelrod Ekaterina, Feldman Yuri, Haruvy Yaara, Reisfeld Renata


P100    Parelectric spectroscopy studies on solid lipid nanoparticles as  drug carriers

Ramadurai Sivaramakrishnan (Berlin, Germany), Nakamura Chié, Niehus Horst, Kramer  Klaus D. , Schäfer-Korting Monika


P101    Distribution of processing oil in olefinic thermoplastic elastomer

Sengers W.G.F. (Delft, The Netherlands), Berg O., Wübbenhorst M., Gotsis A. D.


P102    Modulus model and dielectric permittivity of hydroxyapatite and calcium phosphate with titanium obtained by dry  mechanical alloying

Silva C.C. (Aveiro, Portugal), Valente M. A., Graça M. P. F., Sombra A.S.B.


P103    Dielectric and structural studies of a SiO2-Li2O-Nb2O5 glass and glass-ceramics prepared by the sol-gel method

            Graça M.P.F. (Aveiro, Portugal), Ferreira da Silva M.G., Valente M.A.